Own Your Sustainability Narrative

  • Sustainability journey analysis

    Sustainability Situation Analysis

    • Analyse your sustainability journey and identify key stakeholders

    • Determine your sustainability goals and key pillars

    • Develop and deploy sustainability initiatives, KPIs and action steps

    • Drive action, value and purpose

    • Measure and track progress

  • Sustainability communication strategy

    Sustainability Communication Strategy

    • Give your sustainability messaging maximum visibility

    • Build your sustainability reputation and brand identity

    • Create a compelling and distinctive narrative

    • Define a multichannel communication plan

    • Differentiate yourself from the market

  • Stakeholers engagement

    Stakeholder Engagement

    • Build a groundswell of fans and advocates

    • Activate internal and external stakeholders

    • Train and energize your employees and leadership team

    • Maintain stakeholder relationships

    • Keep fans and advocates coming back.

  • Sustainability Reporting

    Sustainability Reporting

    • Structure the content of your yearly report based on your area of focus

    • Develop transparent messaging about your progress and area for improvement

    • Gather the key data and stories to present

    • Create an asset reflecting your annual sustainability efforts and the status on your plan

    • Organize a communication plan to promote your report across channels

Sustainability communication plan

Get results that matter to your business

The right sustainability communication strategy is a key driver of growth, profitability and resilience.

SMEs must create effective narratives around their sustainability efforts to engage stakeholders. Compelling and distinctive narratives make your brand memorable.

ADelta Impact provides comprehensive sustainability communication tools, initiative roll-out campaigns, and on-going strategic stakeholder relationship advising.